Monday, January 18, 2010

Train Hopping

Tonight Charlie and I had nothing to do.We took a few 10 sec long exposure pictures of Portland around the Vista bridge. After awhile we became bored, drove, and then got out of our cars and started walking. We were so bored that we switched off calling friends but no one answered so we continued walking. We came upon a freight train in the Northwest area of Portland that blocked our way toward the river. After a bit Charlie hopped on and off but as we walked away I decided we had to go back and ride it. We jumped on and rode it for five minutes. We were cold and scared. I worried about what could happen as I thought about Paranoid Park which is a book by Blake Nelson that we had to read in school and a movie by Gus Van Sant. We rode undisturbed and eventually decided to jump off. Maybe someday I will get on again and stay a bit longer for the ride wherever it takes me.

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